
It is critical to keep this conversation at the forefront, and to encourage our peers and supporters to take action.

It has been a somber week. We want to acknowledge our Indigenous staff, volunteers, and community partners who continue to carry the heavy burden of having to both live with ongoing colonialism and intergenerational trauma while continuing to support their communities. We also wish to echo what Indigenous peoples and activists have been demanding for decades. The ongoing trauma, murder, colonization, displacement, and harms to Indigenous communities caused by the actions and inactions of all levels of government is inexcusable and must be addressed immediately.

We encourage you to listen to and support Indigenous-led organizations including movements like Idle No More and take time to learn and understand the ongoing harms through this free course.

At The Stop, we know that more than one in three Indigenous people in urban areas lives in food-insecure households, including many of our community members. The harms are entrenched in various levels of society, from poverty to health care to physical and cultural dislocation. The treatment of Indigenous peoples is deeply traumatic and ongoing.

As an organization, we will be sending our representatives a letter asking them to address the harms by insisting that all levels of government provide adequate resources and attention to address the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions 94 Calls to Action. Please join us. 

Find your MPP’s contact information here. Send a letter, call them and ask them to take action now.

Contact your representative